What is ‘Camera Obscura’? Latin for darkroom
. What chemical changes when exposed to light making
it so important to photography? Chemistry and optics
. Who made the first permanent photographic image?
. When was it made? 1826
. Where was it made? France
. How old is the ‘oldest surviving negative?’ 177
. Who created the Daguerreotype? Daguerre
. When did this person produce their first successful
photograph? 1837
Take a Photograph of a ‘Daylight Studio’ ….
In what era did it become popular to display
photographs? Victorian Times
. When did it become a requirement to photograph all
arrested criminals? 1871
. Take a photograph of a ‘Darkroom’
. In the ‘Darkroom’ set at the Media Museum, what
does it say ‘Plates’ are sensitive to? Blue and ultra Violet light
. In what date was the ‘Beginning of Cinema’? 1895
invented the name KODAK? George Eastman
. Take a Photograph of a KODAK camera from 1900.
Where was the Flower Fairy’ story based? Cottingley
. The Box …Brownie… was the name of a popular camera
in the early 20th Century?
In 1933 the photographic market was dominated by 3
firms…KODAK, Ensign and what?
. Where is the spider? In the bath
. Where is a popular place for a Darkroom? In the
bathroom or under the stairs because that’s where there is less light to block
. When did ‘Stereoscopic Photography’ become popular?
When was flash fixed on/built into ‘Snapshot’
cameras? In the 1950’s
. Where can cameras be hidden? Name one of the hidden
cameras available to see in the Museum? Lighter
. Name one of the popular cameras to give instant
prints! –Polaroid
. Photograph the ‘Spice Cam’
. What is used to ensure you get the correct exposure
when photographing? Flash
. When did colour photography become popular? In the
. In 1984 how many photographs were estimated to have
been taken in Britain? One billion
. Who made the first prototype digital camera?
Russell Kirson
. When was this made? 1975. When did KODAK stop making film cameras? 2004