Wednesday, 26 November 2014

Kodak Gallery Quiz

Kodak Gallery Quiz

What is ‘Camera Obscura’? Latin for darkroom

.   What chemical changes when exposed to light making it so important to photography? Chemistry and optics

.   Who made the first permanent photographic image? Joseph….

.   When was it made? 1826

.   Where was it made? France

.   How old is the ‘oldest surviving negative?’ 177 years

.   Who created the Daguerreotype? Daguerre

.   When did this person produce their first successful photograph? 1837

   Take a Photograph of a ‘Daylight Studio’ ….

  In what era did it become popular to display photographs? Victorian Times

.  When did it become a requirement to photograph all arrested criminals? 1871

.  Take a photograph of a ‘Darkroom’

.  In the ‘Darkroom’ set at the Media Museum, what does it say ‘Plates’ are sensitive to? Blue and ultra Violet light

.  In what date was the ‘Beginning of Cinema’? 1895

Who invented the name KODAK? George Eastman

.   Take a Photograph of a KODAK camera from 1900.

  Where was the Flower Fairy’ story based? Cottingley

.   The Box …Brownie… was the name of a popular camera in the early 20th Century?

   In 1933 the photographic market was dominated by 3 firms…KODAK, Ensign and what?

.   Where is the spider? In the bath

.   Where is a popular place for a Darkroom? In the bathroom or under the stairs because that’s where there is less light to block out.

.   When did ‘Stereoscopic Photography’ become popular? 1850’s

   When was flash fixed on/built into ‘Snapshot’ cameras? In the 1950’s

.   Where can cameras be hidden? Name one of the hidden cameras available to see in the Museum? Lighter

.  Name one of the popular cameras to give instant prints! –Polaroid

.  Photograph the ‘Spice Cam’

.  What is used to ensure you get the correct exposure when photographing? Flash

.  When did colour photography become popular? In the 1950’s

.  In 1984 how many photographs were estimated to have been taken in Britain? One billion

.  Who made the first prototype digital camera? Russell Kirson

.  When was this made? 1975.  When did KODAK stop making film cameras? 2004

Wednesday, 19 November 2014

Task 1b - research (practical)

For this image I set up the tripod with enough distance to get the movement from the fountains in the image. I then went on to change the settings, fist of all the shutter speed needed to be set to 2 seconds. By changing the shutter speed it exposed more of the image giving the effect of movement as the water fell, capturing that movement. I like these images because they're very creative. 

I like this image because it shows a lot of movement in it from the water fountains. In this image I have captured this movement when I did in to able to achieve how I caught the water.

Monday, 10 November 2014

Internet 2 contemporary

Internet 2 - (Contemporary)

stefan high speed photography egg

High-speed photography is a fascinating way to capture the images that we don’t often get to see. So many amazing things happen in the blink of an eye – moving too quickly for us to see more than a blur and the aftermath. Using clever equipment and quick shutters, these talented photographers freeze time and illuminate one single critical moment. If they time it just right, high-speed photographers can catch a moment of impact, explosion, or surprising movement – and it makes for incredible art.

Task 1a Library (Contemporary)

Image Title- Figure 6-8 Technique book 
Photographer- Kevin Kirschner 
Year Created- 2006 
Book title and shelf mark- Page 128- 775 BAM

Task 1a (library)- Historical

Image title- A Stiff Pull.
Photographer- P.H Emerson
Year Created- 1888
Book Title and shelf mark- 779 EME 

This image was created by conventional film. The image as its self has been created as a single image. The image was created in 1888. The photo could of either been taken on film or they could of used a sepia type colour on a dish to give the coloured effect.

Wednesday, 5 November 2014

Cubism mock-up book cover

Futurism Final Book Cover & Evaluation

Overall I think that my Futurism photo went well. During the photo-shoot for my pictures I learnt a lot about shutter speed and learnt how to take pictures well using shutter speed. As well as this I have learnt new skills in Photoshop. My final piece for my Futurism turned out far better then my mock up. If I was to do this project again I would aim to take better quality Pictures. 

Final Cubism Book Cover & Evaluation

Overall I think that my final Cubism piece went very well. I prefer my final piece to my mock up one although I used a lot more colour in my mock up one. Well putting my cubism photos together on Photoshop I learnt a lot of skills, I learnt how to skew photos and how to use the inner glow tool to add the cube effect into my photos. If I was to do this project again and my photo-shoot I would try to be more creative with the photos that I take.

Tuesday, 4 November 2014

Futurism book cover (Mock Up)

Futurism mock up Book Cover

Value mood board (Elements of Design)

Elements of Design:Value!

Value refers to the lightness or darkness of a colour. Value becomes critical in a work which has no colours other than black, white, and a grey scale.

Shape mood board (Elements of Design)

Elements of Design:Shape!

"...trees bearing fruit, in which is their seed..."Voronoi in bubbles. I love the organic nature of this. bubbles, skin, leaves, dragonfly wings. nature not data.  The shape is one of the seven elements in art and photography. Shapes are enclosed spaces which are defined by other elements of art such as colour lines and values and also textures.

Colour mood board (Elements of design)

Elements of Design:

These pictures represent colour in the elements of design. The colour off of these pictures is reflected by the light that we see. 
  There are many different groups of colours such as ones like primary colours and secondary colours, These contain colours such as: Yellow, Red, Blue,Green, Purple and Orange.  

There are 3 types of definitions with colour. Hue been one of them. Hue basically means adding too a colour. Another definition is Intensity, Intensity is the strength and also the vividness of a photograph, and the 3 property of colour is value. which means the lightness or darkness of a colour.

Monday, 3 November 2014

Futurism Risk Assessment

Assessment Reference:
Unit 3
Activity Description:
Taking photographs for Futurism shoot.
Millie Brannan (Student)

Review Date:
Assessment Team Members:
Gemma breese
Overall Potential Risk Factor:
3 likely
Course Details:
90 Credit Diploma Photography

Number of People Exposed:

Names of People Exposed:
Building-Place & Exact Location
Hockney Building / Old building
Is This An Acceptable Risk?

Persons At Risk and How
Existing Control Measures
What are you currently doing to prevent it?
Risk Level
Additional Control Measures
What else do you need to do?
Risk Level
Main stair case in the Old Building
Might miss a step and fall down the stairs.
Make sure people are careful when they are walking down and up the stairs.


Stairs in the new Building
Might trip up over there lace.
Make sure people have their laces tied.


Main reception of the Hockney Building.
Lots of people about could accidently knock camera out of your hands.
Make sure I am holding my camera securely and that nobody is going to bump into me.


Risk assessment for Cubism photo-shoot

Assessment Reference:
Unit 3
Activity Description:
Photographing for unit 3
Millie Brannan (Student)

Review Date:
Assessment Team Members:
Gemma breese
Overall Potential Risk Factor:
Minor 7
Course Details:
90 Credit Diploma Photography

Number of People Exposed:

Names of People Exposed:
Millie & Courtney
Building-Place & Exact Location
Is This An Acceptable Risk?

Persons At Risk and How
Existing Control Measures
What are you currently doing to prevent it?
Risk Level
Additional Control Measures
What else do you need to do?
Risk Level
Tripping over the bed.
Hurting themselves
Doing the photo-shoot away from the bed.


Walking into edge of furniture.
Make sure the persons been careful so that they don’t walk into anything.
Don’t do the photo-shoot somewhere in the room where there isn’t sharp furniture.


Falling over shoes.
Hurting their knees or their elbows if the fall.
Move all the shoes before the photo-shoot.