Wednesday, 15 October 2014

Photo-shoot ideas task 2 part 1

 Idea 1

For idea one I am going to use David Hockneys style of work. I am going to take pictures of Courtney and I am going to edit them in the style like how David Hockney does. This will be my ideas for my first cubist photo-shoot. Once I have taken the pictures I will choose my best photo out of the shoot and I will edit the photo on Photoshop so that different parts of the photo are different contrasts and maybe even different colours. Then once I have done that I will print my photos out and cut different parts of them up, and rearrange it just like David Hockney has done in some of his work.  

Idea 2

For idea 2 I am going to go into Leeds and take pictures of all of my surroundings such as old and new buildings buses and taxis.. The idea I am using for this photo-shoot is a similar idea to the David Hockney one where you put your picture into a grid and make mini cubes from different parts of the photo. I will be experimenting and doing this with a few of my pictures. Also same with the Leeds idea as well. I will make sure these are done in natural forms of light.

Idea 3

For my idea three for futurism I am going to do a normal photo-shoot on somebody on a plain background inside my house. I will add artificial lighting to take these pictures well inside. After this I will put a picture onto Photoshop and change it too black and white. Then after that I will change the brightness and contrast and levels and curves to try get different shades of blacks and whites. Once i have finished that I will print my pictures off and paint on them like the picture above or with pastels and different coloured pens and pencils.

Idea 4

For my fourth idea I will Take pictures of someone laying down or in a certain position. Then like the background of this picture --------> I will make myself with paint and pastels and pencil colours. And I will put the two photos together in Photoshop and blend them together.

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